The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to ensure that there is a peaceful and conducive study and work environment at the Institute for all students and staff.


This Student Code of Conduct applies to all students of the Institute community, across all courses, sites, campuses and modes of delivery.


All students have the right to:

  • Be treated fairly and with respect by Institute staff and other students;
  • Learn in an environment free of discrimination and harassment;
  • Learn in a supportive and stimulating environment in which to pursue their goals;
  • Have access to counselling if desired or required;
  • Privacy concerning records that contain personal information, subject to statutory requirements;
  • Be given information about assessment procedures at the beginning of the subject/competency/module and progressive results as they occur;
  • Lodge a complaint without fear of retaliation or victimization;
  • Have Principles of Natural Justice applied during any investigation process concerning a breach of the Student Code of Conduct.


All students have a responsibility to:

  • Treat other students and Institute staff with respect and fairness.
  • Follow any reasonable direction from a member of Institute staff.
  • Refrain from swearing, drinking and eating in classrooms and other learning areas (water only allowed).
  • Behave responsibly by not littering, harassing fellow students or staff, damaging, stealing, modifying or misusing Institute or other student’s property.
  • Behave responsibly by not being under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
  • Refrain from using mobile phones, pagers or any other electronic devices that may disrupt classes.
  • Attend all scheduled classes and institute activities
  • Do all assessment tasks and examinations honestly, and not engage in plagiarism, collusion or cheating. This is in accordance to Institute’s  Academic Misconduct Policy
  • Follow normal safety practices, including wearing approved clothing and protective equipment and following both written and verbal directions given by Institute staff.
  • Not to behave in a way that would offend, embarrass or threaten others.
  • Comply with all lawful regulations, rules or procedures of the Institute that pertain to them.
  • Pay all fees, charges and levied by the Institute within the required timeframe.
  • Attend all meetings called by the Institute to discuss academic or course progress
  • Meet or carry out all activities agreed with the institute in relation to maintaining course progress or academic performance


A Student breach of conduct occurs when a student behaves in a manner described below:

  • Assaults, attempts to assault or threatens a person on the Institute premises.
  • Acts contrary to Equal Opportunity practices of the Institute which is committed to the prevention and elimination of discrimination on the grounds of:
  • Age;
  • Impairment;
  • Industrial activity;
  • Lawful sexual activity;
  • Marital status;
  • Physical features;
  • Political belief or activity;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Race;
  • Religious belief or activity;
  • Sex;
  • Status as a parent or a carer;
  •  Personal association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above attributes.
  •    Disobeys or disregards any lawful direction given by an officer of the Institute.
  •    Acts dishonestly or unfairly in connection with an  examination, test, assignment or other means of assessment conducted by the Institute
  • Deliberately obstructs any teaching activity, examination or meeting of the Institute
  •  Engages in any conduct or activity prejudicial to the management and good governance of the campus.
  • Deliberately obstructs or attempts to deter any officer or employee of the Institute in   the performance of their duties
  • Wilfully damages or wrongfully deals with any Institute property.
  • Attends the Institute whilst under the influence of alcohol or affected by drugs, etc. or possesses uses or traffics a drug of addiction or drug of dependence within the meaning of the Crimes Act 1958 (Amendments: 20 December 2012) or the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Amendments: 13 December 2012) or any Act in substitution thereof.
  • Carries or uses such items as firearms, knives, syringes, etc. as a weapon.
  •  Fails by or within the agreed required date or period, to pay any fee or charge payable to the Institute.
  • Fails to comply with OH&S regulations or wilfully places another person in a position of risk or danger
  • Constantly interrupts class time through the use or presence of mobile phones and pagers
  • Uses abusive language.
  • Fails to attend meetings called to discuss academic or course progress.
  • Fails to carry out actions or engage in activities agreed with the institute to maintain course or academic progress.